making a film

technique and history
a slide show which describes the historical and technical evolution and shows how the political statement, the points of view of researchers and authors are modified and seize the techniques to express it.

technique and postprod making off
sound editor Philippe Fonteine and sound mixer Jean Stephane Garbe working at studio L’Equipe on Documentary film « The Camp » (de Hasque 2012)
First part : they set out to restore the saturated sound recording while retaining the energy of the choristers rehearsing in a house at the Camp (2012).
Part two : they sync up sounds that were recorded in Brussels by Philippe Fonteine in order to reinforce the live sound recording at the Camp d'Agame where the director worked alone, without additional microphones placed on a pole or wireless microphones. We witness alternately the listening of the sound alone redone in the studio and its insertion in the ambient sound.

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