Jean-Frédéric de Hasque
PhD, Anthropologist and film makerIn 2013, Jean-Frédéric de Hasque started a thesis in anthropology (UCLouvain) using the camera to collect material for writing and scientific analysis on Lions Club in West Africa and make a documentary film “ THE LIONS”. Since then, he has multiplied his contacts and collaborations with researchers in social sciences (UCLouvain, CNRS, U Hasselt, ASC Leyden, Florida University, Gaston Berger Univ).
His post-doctoral research (FNRS) focuses on the Lions Clubs established in South Africa.
The aim is to produce films and writings and feel the move, in cinema, museum or seminar room.
He’s one the founder of Rien à Voir production (understand it as “nothin to see”) a Brussels based belgian production company.
Since 1997 Rien à voir produces and conceptualises audiovisual works. The Board was made up of several artists and researchers who made films there, such as Severine Lagneau, Joffrey Becker, Peter Snowdon, Fabrizio Terranova, Bruno Tracq.
Films Jean-Frédéric de Hasque
Writings Jean-Frédéric de Hasque
Films by the Board
Distributed by Corinth Films, Feb 12 2010